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" Your Guide to Navigating the Law "

Major Updates 8th Edition Pennsylvania Sentencing Guidelines: What Criminal Defense Lawyers Need to Know

Discover the major updates in the 8th Edition Pennsylvania Sentencing Guidelines, effective January 1, 2024. Learn about the new offense gravity scores, prior record scores, and sentencing matrix.

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Michael Ramone Williams: Superior Court Upholds Warrantless Search Based on Exigent Circumstances and Search Incident to Arrest (October 24, 2023)

Discover the Superior Court's ruling in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Michael Ramone Williams, where the court upheld a warrantless search based on exigent circumstances and search incident to arrest.

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Jamal Rice: Superior Court Reverses Suppression of Firearm Evidence (November 7, 2023)

Explore the detailed Superior Court ruling in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Jamal Rice, where the court reversed the suppression of firearm evidence, highlighting key legal precedents and the justification for police actions in high-crime areas.

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Exploring Legal Immunity: The Commonwealth v. Marmillion Case (2022) and the Drug Overdose Response Immunity Act

Explore the critical analysis of the Drug Overdose Response Immunity Act in the context of Commonwealth v. Marmillion (2022). Understand the requirements for immunity and the implications of the court's decision for individuals reporting drug overdoses.

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Public Servant Exception Upheld: Commonwealth v. Patterson, November 7, 2023

Explore the Superior Court of Pennsylvania's ruling in Commonwealth v. Patterson, where the lawfulness of a vehicle seizure under the public servant exception to the warrant requirement is examined.

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Signaling Scrutiny: Reevaluating Probable Cause in the Traffic Stop of Brian Michael Slattery

Explore the legal intricacies of traffic stops in the case of Brian Michael Slattery, as the Superior Court revisits probable cause and signaling requirements under Pennsylvania's Vehicle Code.

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Indifference to Brutality: The Case of Dalishia Danika Salter's Aggravated Sentence (February 17, 2023)

Explore the case of Dalishia Danika Salter (February 17, 2023), where the Superior Court affirmed an aggravated sentence for a mother's brutal assault on her infant son and her shocking indifference during the trial.

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Reversal of DUI License Suspension: Insights from Megan Elizabeth Rickell v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (February 24, 2023)

Explore Rickell v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as it delves into the implications of ARD acceptance on DUI license suspension and the interpretation of 'prior offense' under Section 3806 of the Vehicle Code.

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Commonwealth v. Odane A. Spence: A Detailed Analysis of DUI Conviction and Legal Proceedings (2023)

Explore the intricacies of the Commonwealth v. Odane A. Spence case from July 27, 2020, as we delve into the sufficiency of evidence for a DUI conviction, the legitimacy of a traffic stop, and the Superior Court's ruling affirming the judgment of sentence.

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Michael Thompson (2023): Inventory Searches After Alexander

This article explores the legal battle in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Michael Thompson (2023), examining the Superior Court's reasoning for upholding an inventory search despite the recent limitations placed on vehicle searches in the state.

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